"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" (Hippocrates).
This is the message we want to convey and which represents for us a lifestyle, a daily choice, a model from spreading.

The blog has two souls: one practical and scientific. You can take advantage of up-to-date and scientifically correct content, comment on posts and vote on your Favorites.

The intent is to rediscover those features, beneficial and the curiosity of seasonal produce and yet little-known foods, bulgur wheat, quinoa from khorasan to flaxseed. Products that deserve to be described with a language involving the phytonutrients and relations with human DNA, seasonality, biodiversity, energy-saving mode, culture and history, the close relationship with the man in General.

Not only products and recipes, but also entire menus to accomplish during the week to activate the cellular metabolism, give impetus to ideas and transform fat into energy to our muscles in motion.

House of life arises from the quarterly magazine DiVita free Despar found in all outlets Despar, Eurospar and Interspar.

Much more than just a blog of recipes.
Because eating healthy is the first step to living well. The information contained in this blog are purely to inform. Doctors and researchers, who are part of our working group, controlling all the texts that you receive correct and scientifically up-to-date information. None of what is written in this website should be from you or anyone else used diagnostic or therapeutic purposes for any

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    All the posts and articles posted on dwighty are written by us.

    Copyright all rights reserved.


    May 2013

